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Showing Off Won't Do Good

Monday, November 23, 2009

by: Jelenne Kaye Cloma

Some people are used to show off and trying to do well in front of others so that those people who observe them will be impressed. This is actually done by some rumored candidates this coming 2010 election to make people believe that they deserve to be voted.

At present, faces of the big men in the political arena are seen on television. They advertise everything they did from simple to complex spending millions of pesos while many Filipinos are hungry. They said it is their own money. Well, there's no question with that. But if they have many riches, didn't they think of using them wisely? Instead of advertising their faces on TV, they may put up some business and provide employment to the people. Isn't it far better than what they are doing right now?

Actually, those TV ads are just tools to impress people and to make them think that certain politician is a good person. And in that way, people would vote them.

But, they can impress more people if they are really helping and that is the time the public would know that they are really kind.

Those advertisements are just a waste of time and money. Instead of spending much to nonsense commercial, why should not use the money to construct houses for the homeless, or give works or business to the unemployed. So, they project the real image of a servant because they have the hearts which are willing to help others and ready to extend their hands to the less privileged.

Bragging won't do any good to human and to politicians in particular. They are just making fun of themselves on the television. If you are good, you don't need to show it off. It can be seen through your deeds.


Unknown November 23, 2009 at 7:40 AM  

Your site has good content, but when possible, you should add pictures to keep people engaged.

Joel Bangahon November 24, 2009 at 6:19 AM  

thanks for the suggestion...
i will try incorporate pictures on my post

paUla,  November 25, 2009 at 9:08 AM  

iNdeeD.,tHose poLitiCianS aRe doiNg sUCh to AvAil the PosiTioN they Want.,wiThoUt thinKing aBout the nEeDs of leSS foRTunate oNes,.theY thiNk thAt it woUld heLP thEm tO please thE FilipiNo peOple anD woUld HElp thEm on tHEir CAndiDacy.,tHEir iDioCy shOuld be CorrEcted anD thEy shouLd FOcus in soLving thE eXisting ProbleMS of the naTion.
referre by: jeLeNNe kAye Cloma

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