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Humble Yourself

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Philippines is said to be one of the most humble countries in the world. It’s because of its history. As the world revolves, changes happen. We’re not that kind of humble as these days than before. Nowadays, we’re more conceited than being humble.

What for you does the world “humble” mean? For me, it is simplicity and temper. As I look at it in the dictionary, it defines humble as “being modest, not being overly proud, expressed in the way that does not show too much pride.”

Are you modest? If you are, then you are humble. But don’t say you’re humble; it’s leading you to pride to say that. Let others appreciate you of such being modest. But being humble is a very hard role. What if others will tease you, insult you in front of many people, or even accuse you? What if others will spank or punch you without any reason of doing that? Maybe we can’t hold our temper and we can do back what they’re doing to us. No need to hurt the one who hurts you. Be humble and love instead. Just cry until you laugh and forgive until you forget.

So, know who you are. Know what your rank is. Don’t feel so special if you’re not because you will just get embarrassed. You better know yourself more and deeper. You should talk humbly, walk humbly, and do humbly. Lessen your pride and lengthen your temper. Just be simple and you should humble you self. “For whosoever exalt himself shall be abased; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted." - (Luke 14:11)

By: Joel Joy Encarquez

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